科技论文撰写技巧   2016-07-06
微流控芯片的应用   2016-06-30
Distributed Computing of all-to-all Comparisons with big ...   2016-06-28
Achieving Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Query over Ou...   2016-06-20
光学应用国际研讨会   2016-06-16
Improving the world through engineering   2016-05-18
RehabilitationExercises and Equipment for Stroke Patients   2016-05-16
Development of green energy technology(绿色能源技术的进...   2016-05-13
创新创业沙龙   2016-04-25
基于深度图像的室内独居老人摔到检测方法研究   2016-04-22
光学扫描全息   2016-04-20
集智讲坛第四十八讲 面对就业压力---求职面试中如何能够获得...   2016-03-18
传感器技术   2016-03-04
大容量逆变器低开关频率高性能控制   2016-02-24
情商提升工作坊之情绪觉察及驾驭   2016-01-06

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