报告时间:2022年2月25日 15:00
线上:腾讯会议 ID: 489-886-907
报告题目:Could Converter Domination Lead to Better Voltage Stabilty in AC Power Transmission?
Towards a "net-zero" energy system, the power system will be fundamentally changed. As an essential step for GB network, the existing types of power generators, which have been well- utilized and understood, are being gradually replaced by renewable generators, HVDC interconncectors, etc.. Most of them are interfaced by power electronics converters, in particular, Voltage Source Converters (VSCs). Similar transitions are also taking place in distribution networks. This will lead to a new paradigm of power transmission, which has neither happened nor fully understood in the past century.
Dr Dong Chen is a Lecturer in electrical power engineering with Glasgow Caledonian University. He received PhD degree in electrical power engineering from the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK in 2012. Before joining GCU, he was an EPSRC-funded research associate with University of Strathclyde, UK. Prior to that, he was a senior designer with the institute of microgrid with Guodian Nanjing Automation, Co. Ltd., China. His research interest is power electronics enabled power system, which includes converter-dominated power transmission and DC microgrids.In this sector, he has received 6 best paper nominations out of 12 international conference attendances since 2011 and filed 2 patents during his appointment in industry. Since 2011, he has published a series of paper in prestigious IEEE/IET journals addressing control and modelling issues of power electronics enabled power system with 3 well-received papers of 250+ citations, highest over 500. Since 2011, he has reviewed 100+ papers for 9 IEEE/IET journals and was among top 1% reviewers on Publon.com by 2020. He has served as an associate editor for the journal of IET Power Electronics since 2019 and IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery since 2021.ectro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) dynamics, which converter controls are based on. As a start of the journey towards net-zero, votlage stability of power transmission is revisited for its potential of unprecedented enhancement in the context of converter domination.