我司精机系超精密光电检测与信息显示技术研究中心长期以来从事全息光电三维显示的研究工作。该中心博士生曾震湘以邀请论文的形式在国际学术期刊Applied Optics和Journal of the Optical Society of America B的联合专刊"数字全息和三维成像"上发表了论文,并被选为封面论文及编辑推荐论文(Editor's Pick)之一(Editor's Picks serve to highlight articles with excellent scientific quality and are representative of the work taking place in a specific field.)
论文详见:Z. Zeng, H. Zheng, Y. Yu, A. K. Asundi, and S. Valyukh, "Full-color holographic display with increased-viewing-angle," Appl. Opt., 2017, 56(13): F112–F120. http://www.Osapublishing.org/AO/abstract.cfm?uri=AO-56-13-F112.