Sliding Model Control Meets Network Challenges   2019-08-06
多个体系统的适应跟踪控制   2019-07-30
Growing and Pruning Selective Ensemble Regression over Dr...   2019-07-22
不确定间歇生产过程智能调度技术   2019-07-15
Physics-Constrained LearnIng of Multiscale and Dynamical ...   2019-07-08
Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Harsh Environments: R...   2019-07-01
Constrained broadcast with low latency in neighborhood ar...   2019-07-01
Detection and Tracking of Multiple Mice Using Part Propos...   2019-06-26
边缘计算中面向计算卸载和内容缓存的智能资源管理   2019-06-24
如何三年成为创意总监——伦敦艺术大学学长座谈沙龙   2019-06-19
学习贯彻党的十九大精神,推进全面从严治党向基层延伸   2019-06-18
How to choose a research topic and how to read a paper   2019-06-17
Experimental Investigation of Flow Characteristics in a C...   2019-06-13
从生物系统到智能机器人:机遇与挑战   2019-05-28
车载通信中的智能计算   2019-05-20

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